Sunday, October 25, 2009

This is an artist that I have been working with over the past year doing makeup for her photoshoots, album cover, events and also for her first video which just launched a month ago. Please support the team and watch the video by clicking on the YouTube link below.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is from a photoshoot I did for Swiss Watch Company. The hair and makeup was done by me and the pictures were taken by Ains from

Friday, April 24, 2009

Me, My Lips & I

This is from a magazine shoot I did last year which turned out to be a great success. The vibe was great and everyone was on the same page. The synergistic blend of ideas was amazing and everyone left the shoot feeling enlightened and confident.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Design to Beautify Inc.

Design to Beautify Inc. is a company that is designed to beautify from the inside-out. Taking pride in the health and wellness of each customer, this company understands that beauty comes from within and encourages each person to live a well balanced life to make the outer beauty coincide with the inner beauty.
Nadia Stephens has full understanding of this knowledge and wisdom of beauty. Since 1998 she has taken interest in this field and has acquired an abundance of knowledge to share with women who have full interest in the improvement of their wellbeing, inside and out. Educated as an Aesthetician, she has professionally applied makeup and fulfilled aesthetic services for almost 10 years, enjoying the opportunities to increase self-esteem and the overall wellbeing of her clients. Throughout her profession, she has been fortunate enough to prepare brides for their weddings, get models ready for photo and video shoots, and consult with a number of clients regarding their appearance and general health.
One of her greatest attributes is her love for mankind, and considers her experience as a volunteer very important to personal development. She often participates in charitable events, including volunteering in the philanthropy department at the YWCA Women's Shelter and help organize events for Black History Month, walking for AIDS, MS, and Breast Cancer awareness, being a model in a Stop The Violence Fashion Showcase, and donating to the Sick Kids Hospital. These events helped her communicate more effectively at a variety of levels, in addition to enriching her life and the lives of those around us.

*For booking appointments and consultations please contact:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Your Deepest Desire....

“You are what your deepest desire is.
As your desire is, so is your intention.
As your intention is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.”
~ Upanishads

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nadia's Message from Deepak

The boundless field of intelligence is everywhere, manifesting in everything. We are all part of this interwoven tapestry, and the universe lives and breathes through each of us. Many people, however, live firmly entrenched in the belief that they are separate, isolated beings in a random cosmos. Instead of feeling included, they feel alone and are driven by personal desire and fear. They are caught in the grip of ego, which doesn’t know that it is connected to an unlimited source of ideas, abundance, and love. The ego is constantly struggling for a sense of security, whether through the accumulation of money, “power,” status, friends, or possessions.

At this moment the ego-based perspective dominates much of humanity, which is why we see so much pain and war in the world. The instant I see myself as an isolated individual, I have to confront the countless others who want what I want. Violence is the inevitable consequence of the opposition of “us" versus "them.” They never go away and they never give up.

To end the cycle of violence and bring peace to our families, communities, and the planet, it is necessary to expand our “I” from the little ego to the cosmic ego. How do we do this? The ancient wisdom traditions of India offer three powerful principles for transformation and peace – one loving thought, one loving word, and one loving act at time:

Satsang: Gather to share wisdom and guidance. Satsang is a Sanskrit term that has an even deeper meaning than its English translation to “connect.” Satsang is truly experiencing the underlying communion of humanity. We are at home in the world.

Seva: Engage in selfless service or compassion in action. Seva brings a joyful assurance that that our daily actions harm none and benefit all. We become part of the planet’s evolution, not its wholesale destruction.

Simran: The profound reflection into the nature of the true Self, our spiritual essence. Simran illuminates our unique reason for being and brings the satisfaction of expanded possibilities.

When this reflection is done in communion with others, it inspires ~ infuses with spirit ~ and unveils or unleashes the collective power of the essential connection we share, serving our inner transformation as well as global transformation.

